رابطة الخريجين واصحاب المهارات Foreign Degreed & Skilled Newcomers

Foreign Degreed & Skilled Newcomers
رابطة الخريجين واصحاب المهارات

Foreign Degreed & Skilled Newcomers

هل تخرجت من العراق او اي بلد غير أمريكا ؟

هل تحمل صفة لاجئ أو SIV أو  Asylee ؟

إذا كانت اجابتك نعم, فأنت مدعو لحضور ألمؤتمر السنوي الخامس
الســبت 2016 \ 16 \ 4   من 10 صباحاً الى 12 ظهراً
 1109E Washington Ave, El Cajon, CA 92019 المكان
لحجز مقعدك واستلام جدول المؤتمر يرجى مراسلتنا على:  info@NewcomerSD.org

Another reason is obese men have low testosterone, cheap sildenafil no prescription a male sexual health problem. It can result in reduced self-esteem, emotional problems and marital problems also redound to erectile dysfunction. tadalafil 5mg india There are a wide variety of sex Capsules and Male Enhancement Pills at some point in their lives, but buy viagra in bulk thought about that they were able to encounter avenues on how to deal with their issues with intelligence. viagra canada sales The dose possibly increased up to 100 mg but be sure to consult your health practitioner initial before doing that.

Do you have a foreign degree ? Are you a refugee, SIV, or Asylee ?
If yes for both, Then you are invited to:  The 5th Annual Conference
Saturday April 16, 2016 from 10a.m. to 12p.m.
 Location: 1109 E. Washington Ave. El Cajon, CA, 92019

تأسست رابطة الخريجين سنة  2011 من 60 شخصا فقط, ثم اتسعت قائمتها البريدية لتضم اكثر من 450 خريجا في مدينة سان دييغو.

Funded in 2011 with only 60 members, now its email list has more than 450 members within San Diego County. Foreign Degreed & Skilled Newcomers is a project of the Newcomers Support and Development.

Newcomers Support and Development دعم وتطوير القادمين الجدد

Doctor – Engineer – Professor – Teacher – Lawyer – Mechanic – Accountant – Artist – Coach – Chef – Electrician – IT Technician – Hair Dresser